Courage To Break Through

Devon Thomas: You Can Only Go So Far On Your Own

Episode Summary

Devon Thomas talks about her journey to entrepreneurship, working with her mother, knowing you can only go so far on your own, accepting that you can't please everybody, and much more in this episode of The Courage to Break Through Podcast.

Episode Notes

In This Episode:

[01:34] Guest introduction.

[04:12] Her journey to entrepreneurship.

[27:18] Her vision for her business.

[31:36] The biggest lesson she learned.

[33:04] What was her biggest fear and did it come true?

[35:10] Working with her mother.

[37:53] Creating her signature.

[40:20] Staying relevant.

[46:08] Her future plans.

[54:06] Her advice if you are stuck on a decision.


Important Quotes:

"Failure is not an option."

"Success just maybe doesn't always look the way you think it looks ."

"Being great at sales and being great at being a business owner are two very different things."

"You can't please everybody."

"You can only go so far on your own."