Courage To Break Through

Lance Gunkel: It's Only A Failure If You Don't Learn From It

Episode Summary

In this episode of The Courage to Break Through, Lance Gunkel talks about his experience running ultra distance races, the discipline involve, how to have a healthy work-life balance and more in today's episode.

Episode Notes

In This Episode:

[1:38] Introduction

[4:18] What made him decide to do ultra distance races?

[7:11] His preparations for an ultra distance race

[10:56] His support system

[13:42] His thoughts during the run

[15:23] What his kids think about him as an ultra distance runner

[16:19] His experience that helped him develop a stronger mindset

[19:35] How do you align with your purpose

[21:56] His thoughts and preparations when he led the buying out of senior partners of his company

[25:49] What he would have done differently and improvements when it comes to ultra distance running

[27:37] How ultra distance running help improve his discipline in all aspects of his life

[34:16] Extreme training conditions

[36:13] The diet for ultra distance race

[37:39] His advice on getting a coach

[39:47] Benefits of having a coach

[44:07] His advice for the people that want to try running

[50:13] What helped him keep the balance in all aspects of his life


Important Quotes:

"I had to have a reason to do this"

"Things are thrown at us that are outside of out control...

and we just have to deal with them and keep pushing forward"

"There's always a sunshine at the end"

"No matter how much we prepare in life, some things are going to hit us that are out of our control"

"It's okay that i can't control every aspect of my life"

"It's more about enjoying the mile i'm in at the time"

"It's important to find those people that we really trust"

"Recognizing why you're doing it"

"It's only a failure if you stop or if you don't learn from it"